heeeeeeeeeeeeeey gue baru posting lagi nih haha kemaren kemaren gue sibuk (sok). hem kesepian nih gue kangen sama si faiz -___- Jujur abis gueeee ztzt
senin uts! omg malaaaaaaaaaaay huhu math lagi pertama ah!
Sabtu, 11 April 2009
Rabu, 08 April 2009
sakit zzzz
iya keseeeel deh gue kemaren udah perut gue sakit banget ya, trus gue demam segala jadi ga masuk sekolah deh huuuuuh padahal kan abis sekolah tadinya mau ke kemang sm eightyqualee ku sayang.
maaaaf yaaaaaaa gue gaikut deh huhu, trs jam siang gt lupa gue ditelfon asya dan kawan kawan, heeem mereka minta gue kerumah asyaaaa tapi gue ga dibolehin sm mama -____-
Yaudah akhirnya mereka jalan bertujuh deh, eh iyakan? heeem gue gaikut aaaaaa ngeeeehhhhh-e!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah senin uts!!! males banget deh ah, matematika lagi pertama huuuh keanya gue musti cangkok otak deh biar ga bego......
esia gue disita lagi aaaaaah kenapa ya sial bet MINGGU MINGGU INI ?
sialnya lengkap deh lovelife, duit gue cekak bangeeeet lalu lalu otak gue makin lama makin dong dong kalo dipikir yaaaa.
Kangeeeeeeeeeen juga gue sama kelas ballet gue sih tapi sumpah gue males buat masuk lagi idkkkk why but my feel say bored :(
gimana dong boookkkk mama gue ngomel ngomel lagi gue bolos mulu huaaaaa betebete ah bete bete ah -__-
dan ada lagi 1 masalah sekolah gue, tanggal 17 dance sekolah gue disuruh ngisi acara eeee tapi gue pikir acaranya apaan ini? TVRI !!!!
anying ma to the les maleeeeeeeees aaaaaaaaaaaa gimana dong uuuhhhh guguk deh
maaaaf yaaaaaaa gue gaikut deh huhu, trs jam siang gt lupa gue ditelfon asya dan kawan kawan, heeem mereka minta gue kerumah asyaaaa tapi gue ga dibolehin sm mama -____-
Yaudah akhirnya mereka jalan bertujuh deh, eh iyakan? heeem gue gaikut aaaaaa ngeeeehhhhh-e!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah senin uts!!! males banget deh ah, matematika lagi pertama huuuh keanya gue musti cangkok otak deh biar ga bego......
esia gue disita lagi aaaaaah kenapa ya sial bet MINGGU MINGGU INI ?
sialnya lengkap deh lovelife, duit gue cekak bangeeeet lalu lalu otak gue makin lama makin dong dong kalo dipikir yaaaa.
Kangeeeeeeeeeen juga gue sama kelas ballet gue sih tapi sumpah gue males buat masuk lagi idkkkk why but my feel say bored :(
gimana dong boookkkk mama gue ngomel ngomel lagi gue bolos mulu huaaaaa betebete ah bete bete ah -__-
dan ada lagi 1 masalah sekolah gue, tanggal 17 dance sekolah gue disuruh ngisi acara eeee tapi gue pikir acaranya apaan ini? TVRI !!!!
anying ma to the les maleeeeeeeees aaaaaaaaaaaa gimana dong uuuhhhh guguk deh
I'm not the type to get my heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
Cause I never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye
Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole in love thing
And someone can say they love me truely
But at the time it didn't mean a thing
My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
Did it happen when we first kissed
Cause it's hurting me to let it go
Maybe cause we spent so much time
And I know that it's no more
I shoulda never let you hold me baby
Maybe why i'm sad to see us apart
I didn't give to you on purpose
Gotta figure out how you stole my heart
My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
How did I get here with you, i'll never know
I never meant to let it get so, personal
After all I tried to do, stay away from loving you
I'm broken hearted, I can't let you know
And I won't let it show
You won't see me cry
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
All my life...
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
Cause I never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye
Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole in love thing
And someone can say they love me truely
But at the time it didn't mean a thing
My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
Did it happen when we first kissed
Cause it's hurting me to let it go
Maybe cause we spent so much time
And I know that it's no more
I shoulda never let you hold me baby
Maybe why i'm sad to see us apart
I didn't give to you on purpose
Gotta figure out how you stole my heart
My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
How did I get here with you, i'll never know
I never meant to let it get so, personal
After all I tried to do, stay away from loving you
I'm broken hearted, I can't let you know
And I won't let it show
You won't see me cry
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
All my life...
Selasa, 07 April 2009
Senin, 06 April 2009
You're a million times better for me, but who else?
All this time we are together it makes me feel like doing anything to make us together forever, i kept thinking about the future. Its like the things that I've been through, i want it to last as long as we can. I love love love you forever.
I would do anything to hold your hands forever, as long as we are together I will make you feel like my arms are around you at all times. I promise you by 10 years time if you're still together with me, i promise you, u will look back at this particular time. You are everything now every single blood cells and everything there is in me. If its not you, love isn't much of a thing around me.
You're the one that brought me to the real meaning of love. I wish you were always here with me, everywhere I go, there's always you by my side. You can hate me anytime hunny, but I will always love you even you are feeling down sad lonely miserable upon your feelings, you can always leave me alone, you can always ignore me and stuff like that, but I know if you mean it or you want to have an alone time and reflect upon the past, i will always always always love you. In one particular time, I was thinking about your sad story that really touches me. In one point of time, I had realized how strong friendships are and the love of each other. Never in my life, I had faced and witness something like this. You brought me to everything I didn't have before, you brought me to the real world, exploring sadness and happiness all in one time, sharing thoughts together, watching people fall and rise, helping people to strive their needs of love. I never ever figure out to express all my love to you. If it wasn't you, I would most likely be the most useless person. Anything about love will indeed touch. Never in my life I felt so close to someone I love for more than half a year :) I wish I can only wish and believe bebbey, that we could actually do this particular thingg forever."
I would do anything to hold your hands forever, as long as we are together I will make you feel like my arms are around you at all times. I promise you by 10 years time if you're still together with me, i promise you, u will look back at this particular time. You are everything now every single blood cells and everything there is in me. If its not you, love isn't much of a thing around me.
You're the one that brought me to the real meaning of love. I wish you were always here with me, everywhere I go, there's always you by my side. You can hate me anytime hunny, but I will always love you even you are feeling down sad lonely miserable upon your feelings, you can always leave me alone, you can always ignore me and stuff like that, but I know if you mean it or you want to have an alone time and reflect upon the past, i will always always always love you. In one particular time, I was thinking about your sad story that really touches me. In one point of time, I had realized how strong friendships are and the love of each other. Never in my life, I had faced and witness something like this. You brought me to everything I didn't have before, you brought me to the real world, exploring sadness and happiness all in one time, sharing thoughts together, watching people fall and rise, helping people to strive their needs of love. I never ever figure out to express all my love to you. If it wasn't you, I would most likely be the most useless person. Anything about love will indeed touch. Never in my life I felt so close to someone I love for more than half a year :) I wish I can only wish and believe bebbey, that we could actually do this particular thingg forever."
Sabtu, 04 April 2009
iya nih masa ya gue dikatain ange (anak sange) padahal nggaaaaaaaaaaaaak aaah ngeselin abis tuh anak anak kelas 83 hahaha
yaaa gara2 gue asya cella tuh CUMAN YA CUMAN dengerin cella cerita padahal ga cerita penting wakak tapi pas pel agama gitu trus pak edi ngiranya lagi ngomongin boki kali yaaaaaaaaaa.........
trus yaudah akhirnya gue dicap boki mulu dah nge to the se to the linnnnnnnn pret
yaaa gara2 gue asya cella tuh CUMAN YA CUMAN dengerin cella cerita padahal ga cerita penting wakak tapi pas pel agama gitu trus pak edi ngiranya lagi ngomongin boki kali yaaaaaaaaaa.........
trus yaudah akhirnya gue dicap boki mulu dah nge to the se to the linnnnnnnn pret
menghayal bebas pelajaran matematika
iyaa jadi gini ya kan gue duduk sebangku tuh sm Asya wawawa 2taunn loohhh duduk bareng haha jamuran -__- canda sya ngga ngga. trus kan ada guru dari luar gitu deh gantiin bu irma ngajar keanya sih ngetes doang sihhh tapi sumpah ribet abis diajarin sm dia aaaa bingung!
yaudah akhirnya gue sm asya gak merhatiin tuh ya kita cerita2 trus MENGHAYAL GITU DEEEEEEH ;p
Iya kan gue ada geng gitu (cieee pelopor wakak) namanya Eightyqualee trus tanggal 16 May mau 1taun looohh hiiii dateng yaa acaranya, mau ada pensi gitu (boong). lalu lalu.............................................
Ac 'eh sya sya bentar lg eightyqualee 1st year loh hahaha'
As ' iya ya aduuuh seneng deeh, bikin acara apa ya?'
Ac 'mari berfikir!'
As 'udahhhh beli kue yg Opera ajaaa hahaha trus dihiasin'
Ac 'kenapa harus Opera?'
As 'yaaa Opera'
Ac 'rasanya?'
As 'iye Opera, goblok lo'
Ac 'ooohaha iye trus gimana ya bentuknya?'
As 'hmm kotak? bulet?'
gue sama asya nyoret2 buku gitu gambar contoh kuenya
As 'dapur coklat ye'
Ac 'iye kumpulin duit haha'
As 'hmm haha bego cha lo gambarnya kotak gitu'
Ac 'ntr diatasnya ada cherry2 gitu ngelingkarin, trus tengah2 tulisannya Happy Birthday 1st Year EIGHTYQUALEE'
As 'iyaya hahaha trus ada lilinnya nomer 1 cha'
Ac 'wakakka eh gimana yaa kalo anak 8e (eightyqualee) dikasih surprise pas ulangtaun, ih seneng bangeeeet deh'
As 'haha iya trus yg ngasih anak Fratelli hahahhaa tyo tyo'
Ac 'bayangin deh sya kalo misalnya kita ya lagi ngobrol gitu di lapangan trs tiba2 anak Fratelli dateng bawa kue bilang gini Happy Birthday eightyqualee trus nyanyi happy birthday 8e happy birthday 8e hahaha'
As 'anying hahaha iya cha seru abis anak kelas 1 ikut2 juga doooong biar seru'
Ac 'kalo gitu sekalian aja nyewa gedung, buat promnite trus guest star nya Pussycat Dolls'
As 'pret'
Ac 'iya sya ntr gini, tyo bilang sya selamet ya buat 8e trus...muah muah dicium gitu asyanya ahhahaha anjiiiiiirrrrrr ;p
As 'buakakkakakak'
yaaa lo tau kan ya asya kalo ketawa lebay lebay gitu kannnn haha sama aje kea gue -,-
trus sampe istirahat kita ketawa2 trus nyebarin hayalan kita ke anak2 lainnya tapi ternyata........................tanggepannya biasa aja ya sya ahhahahhaa berarti kita emg duo lebay ;p
yaa itulah pokoknya asya sm acha sayang eightyqualee, xoxo hihi
yaudah akhirnya gue sm asya gak merhatiin tuh ya kita cerita2 trus MENGHAYAL GITU DEEEEEEH ;p
Iya kan gue ada geng gitu (cieee pelopor wakak) namanya Eightyqualee trus tanggal 16 May mau 1taun looohh hiiii dateng yaa acaranya, mau ada pensi gitu (boong). lalu lalu......................
Ac 'eh sya sya bentar lg eightyqualee 1st year loh hahaha'
As ' iya ya aduuuh seneng deeh, bikin acara apa ya?'
Ac 'mari berfikir!'
As 'udahhhh beli kue yg Opera ajaaa hahaha trus dihiasin'
Ac 'kenapa harus Opera?'
As 'yaaa Opera'
Ac 'rasanya?'
As 'iye Opera, goblok lo'
Ac 'ooohaha iye trus gimana ya bentuknya?'
As 'hmm kotak? bulet?'
gue sama asya nyoret2 buku gitu gambar contoh kuenya
As 'dapur coklat ye'
Ac 'iye kumpulin duit haha'
As 'hmm haha bego cha lo gambarnya kotak gitu'
Ac 'ntr diatasnya ada cherry2 gitu ngelingkarin, trus tengah2 tulisannya Happy Birthday 1st Year EIGHTYQUALEE'
As 'iyaya hahaha trus ada lilinnya nomer 1 cha'
Ac 'wakakka eh gimana yaa kalo anak 8e (eightyqualee) dikasih surprise pas ulangtaun, ih seneng bangeeeet deh'
As 'haha iya trus yg ngasih anak Fratelli hahahhaa tyo tyo'
Ac 'bayangin deh sya kalo misalnya kita ya lagi ngobrol gitu di lapangan trs tiba2 anak Fratelli dateng bawa kue bilang gini Happy Birthday eightyqualee trus nyanyi happy birthday 8e happy birthday 8e hahaha'
As 'anying hahaha iya cha seru abis anak kelas 1 ikut2 juga doooong biar seru'
Ac 'kalo gitu sekalian aja nyewa gedung, buat promnite trus guest star nya Pussycat Dolls'
As 'pret'
Ac 'iya sya ntr gini, tyo bilang sya selamet ya buat 8e trus...muah muah dicium gitu asyanya ahhahaha anjiiiiiirrrrrr ;p
As 'buakakkakakak'
yaaa lo tau kan ya asya kalo ketawa lebay lebay gitu kannnn haha sama aje kea gue -,-
trus sampe istirahat kita ketawa2 trus nyebarin hayalan kita ke anak2 lainnya tapi ternyata..................
yaa itulah pokoknya asya sm acha sayang eightyqualee, xoxo hihi
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